Do you know about VoiceZam?

Just like it says, VoiceZam is an interactive voiceover demo player. And no, this isn’t a paid endorsement. I’ve been a VoiceZam fan for many years and I FINALLY got around to adding it to my website. Go to the home page of to check it out.
VoiceZam is an important tool for your voiceover business for a number of reasons….
Your demos must be modular. In other words, having a monolithic audio file as your demo just doesn’t cut it anymore. VoiceZam better showcases your sub-genres and saves the voice seeker time finding the right spot on your demo to review.
Your demos must be downloadable. These days, voice seekers like to download your demo and keep them on file for future consideration. That way when a project comes up that you may be right for, it’s easier for them to pass along your demo (or specific spots on your demo) to the end-client. Also, voice seekers often send me a spot on my own demo as a reference when I get booked. “The end-client want your read to sound like this”.
You can use Zamtistics. Zamtistics tells you when your demos were listened to, for how long, and which demos/spots were downloaded. It’s a very powerful tool that can help you analyze the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.
Use VoiceZam! Wow, that was an easy one.
If you start using VoiceZam, make sure your demos are broken down into individual spots. Bob Merkel and the other fine folks at VoiceZam can help you every step of the way. I suggest you check out their YouTube page to see the myriad of helpful videos. You can see them here.
Thursday, December 5th @8PM EST: my next Edge Studio “Business and Money 201” webinar topic will be ‘Goals’. In this one-hour webinar, we’ll talk about how to set yourself up for success in 2020 by writing an effective business plan. Click here to sign up.
Saturday December 7th @5PM: The 11th Annual NYC Voiceover Holiday Extravaganza! Click here to join the festivities at Hurley’s Saloon in New York City!
Thursday, December 12th @8PM EST: Edge Studio Marketing 201 webinar, ‘Brand Yourself’. In this one-hour webinar, we”l talk about the basics of telling the story that is your voiceover business. Click here to sign up!
The Mid-Atlantic Voice Over (MAVO) conference Mastery Session signup is open! My session, ‘Manage Your Money Like a VO Pro’ will take place Friday, November 6, 2020. These sessions are optional and have a supplementary fee because they are not part of the main MAVO 2020 Conference. These sessions fill up quickly as there is a max of 12-15 so make sure you get your spot! Click here to sign up now!
Saturday, February 1st 2020 @2PM PST: I will be speaking LIVE at the Voiceover Studio in sunny Las Vegas! The topic is “THE VOICEOVER BUSINESS AND HOW TO ACT LIKE IT”. Here’s the description:
Congratulations! You’ve done your voiceover training and have your freshly produced demo in hand. Now what? In this three-hour workshop, veteran voice talent and “VO Strategist” Tom Dheere will help you rub the stars out of your eyes and learn how to think & execute like an effective voiceover business. We will discuss how to build your voiceover business from the ground up, craft a Mission Statement, set goals, craft an Action Plan, and learn how to stick to it.
Registration is now open! Click here to sign up.
March 26-29 2020: I am proud to announce that I am the VO Atlanta 2020 eLearning/narration Track leader! Very soon I will announce my teammates and the sessions we’re offering. Stay tuned…!
Happy Sardines Day and Manatees Awareness Month!

Tom Dheere is a 20+year veteran of the voice over industry who has narrated thousands of projects for hundreds of clients in over a dozen countries. He is also a voiceover business & marketing consultant known as the VOStrategist and produces the comic book “Agent 1.22”.