2020 is almost here! Are you ready for it?
To plan for 2020, let’s look back at 2019. Did you achieve all the goals you set for the year? Specifically:
Did you hit your Cash Flow goals by making/spending the money you hoped you would? Did you book more clients/gigs than in 2018?
Did you acquire the Tools you needed to improve your business?
Did you improve your Technique by taking more classes or getting more coaching?
Did your Marketing campaigns work?
Did you maintain or improve your Health physically, mentally, and spiritually?
Write down the answers to the questions I just posed and look at them objectively. Why did you succeed or fail in 2019? What can you learn from your successes and failures to make 2020 better?
If you succeeded; can you determine what steps you took to succeed? Can you repeat those actions or do you need to come up with new tactics?
If you failed; was it due to a lack of knowledge, resources, time, or effort? Which of those can you address in 2020 and how?
No matter what happened in 2019, your goal in 2020 is to move all areas of your voiceover business forward. Improve your Cash Flow, acquire better Tools, develop your Technique, create more effective Marketing strategies, and maintain good Health both outside, inside, and upstairs. If you had a “good” Tools year but a bad “Marketing” year, that’s okay. It’s really hard to hit a home run in every category every year, but the goal is to strive for improvement in as many areas of your voiceover business as you can.
Remember; vague goals will give you vague results. Specific goals will give you specific results. Think about your voiceover business both holistically and by area, write it down, make a diagnosis, craft an Action plan, and set yourself up for success in 2020!
NEW CLASS!!! Wednesday, December 11th @8PM EST: the VO Strategist workshop, “How do I Market my Demo?” In this 90-minute webinar, we will discuss general marketing strategies and some specific tactics to help you determine how to get your voiceover demo into the right hands. Use the promo code VOSDEMO10 to get 20% off! Click on the link to sign up! https://www.vostrategist.com/events/how-do-i-market-my-demo
Thursday, December 12th @8PM EST: the Edge Studio Marketing 201 webinar, ‘Brand Yourself’. In this one-hour webinar, we’ll talk about the basics of telling the story that is your voiceover business. Click here to sign up!
2020 EVENTS!!!
Saturday, February 1st, 2020 @2PM PST: I will be speaking LIVE at the Voice Actors Studio in sunny Las Vegas! The topic is “THE VOICEOVER BUSINESS AND HOW TO ACT LIKE IT”. Registration is now open! Click here to sign up.
March 26-29, 2020: I am proud to announce that I am the VO Atlanta 2020 eLearning/narration Track leader! Very soon I will announce my teammates and the sessions we’re offering. Stay tuned…!
November 6-8, 2020: Are you going to the Mid-Atlantic Voice Over (MAVO) conference in Herndon, Virginia? I have the honor of presenting yet again! In addition to the regular sessions (which will be announced soon) I will also be leading a special 3-hour Mastery Session. The topic: ‘Manage Your Money Like a VO Pro‘. These sessions fill up quickly as there is a max of 12-15 so make sure you get your spot! Click here to sign up now!
Happy Pastry Day and Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day!

Tom Dheere is a 20+year veteran of the voice over industry who has narrated thousands of projects for hundreds of clients in over a dozen countries. He is also a voiceover business & marketing consultant known as the VOStrategist and produces the comic book “Agent 1.22”.