Happy Labor Day!
I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. I celebrated my birthday one week early with a BBQ at my friend Jim’s house. Good times, good times!
Fall is unofficially here and I’m back on track! This summer was a bit of a wash for me. I had a friend stay with me for six weeks and my mom just stayed with me for two weeks and it totally threw me off of my routine. I barely did any auditions, my diet & exercise regiment went splat, and I wrote virtually nothing for Project: TERRA and Blastaway. It’s not their fault, it’s mine. I’m a creature of habit and I need structure to get those Quadrant Two things done (Important but Not Urgent Tasks). So far this morning I’ve already exercised, paid bills, ran a bunch of errands, and got my hair cut. Feeling good!
I am excited for the fall. It’s my favorite time of year and I have a MONSTER gig coming down the pike. I have 50 medical narrations to record by the end of next month, Yikes! I’ll apologize now to those of you who ask me to hang out but I stay home so I can practice saying things like myophosphorylase.
TIP OF THE WEEK: I’m glad we have seasons and holidays. It makes these great natural chapters in your year that allow you to reassess your situation and have little re-starts when you get off track. With that in mind, go dust off that 2010 Action Plan and see how you’re doing so far. What goals have you hit? Missed? Haven’t even tried?
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: You gotta learn to laugh. It’s the way to true love. John Travolta from the film “Michael”
STUFF!: I got some great feedback concerning my anti-nerd rant last week and I want to thank you for your support. Keep spreadin’ the love, folks!
From Tom Dheere’s apartment this is Tom Dheere, GKN News…