Good Morning To Ya!
I hope everyone had a pleasant weekend. Mine was sublimely uneventful. I’m still taking it easy since the “you know what” still hasn’t left the building. Fortunately I see my urologist in about an hour so I’ll keep you posted.
Last week definitely picked up! I had three gigs:
I landed a new client! Eyeview hired me to narrate three scripts for an online tutorial about Knovel, a new search engine designed for scientists & engineers.
I narrated three more scripts for Rider University’s “Top Careers” video series, courtesy of Films Media Group.
I had an ETS gig in Princeton but this one was a little different. I narrated some ESL tests specifically for the nation of Qatar. I played roles ranging between 10 and 13 years of age. I sounded squeaky!
I also took the time to overhaul my VO rate sheet. Thanks to many of the Voiceover Bulletin Board members for their input, especially Dave Courvosier!
I added two websites to my daily job search: and I’ll let you know if I get any bites…
TIP OF THE WEEK: The reason why I overhauled my rate sheet is because I put a bid in for a project recently and was told that it was “outrageous”. Submitting an appropriate bid in the voiceover industry can be a bit of a sticky wicket. There are so many different kinds of VO gigs and the rate can be determined by the word, the page, the minute, or the hour. You also have to take into account whether you’re recording from your home or a remote studio. If you record from home, you may be asked to edit it, add music, add sound effects, etc. On top of all that, the rates change depending on the location (local, regional, national). That’s a lot to take into account!
That leads me to the tip: know your value in the marketplace. Do your homework. Ask questions. Don’t be afraid to ask what your peers charge. Come up with a rate sheet that works for you. Once you determine your value, stick to it. Have a spine, as the great Phillip Banks would say. Don’t work below your value!
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your ignorance. Thomas Sowell
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: What is your value in the marketplace? Have you ever sold yourself short?
Have a great week!