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  • Writer's pictureTom Dheere

GKN Weekly Update 10/13/08

Hey guys!

Man, I am POOPED! The past two weeks have been pretty exhausting but I’m hopeful that tomorrow I’ll be back on track and ready to move forward. Alright, let’s get to the good stuff!

First off, I overhauled my website. It looks completely different and much better, if I do say so myself, and I did, so there you go. Please check it out at and let me know what you think!

“The Upstate Four”, the cartoon pilot in which I played one of the main characters, won top prize in the “TV for Children” category at the Ottawa Animation Festival a few weeks ago. It’s yet another award for Fran & Will Krause’s outstanding work and hopefully will bring them one step closer to success!

I have some great Project TERRA news!

First, Porject TERRA now has a MySpace profile in addition to the Facebook Group I mentioned last week. If you’re on MySpace, please help us build our online fan base by joining!

Also, Agent 122’s blog is up and running! You can find it at I’ll be making frequent entries giving you an inside look at the mind of Agent 122 and the strange world she has been thrust in…

We need to put together a press release for Project TEERA. John, I know you have experience in this area. Can you or anyone else help us out? Thanks!

TIP OF THE WEEK: Has anyone seen that commercial where the girl is protesting deforestation and her father is a logger who bails her out of jail? Have you been engaged in any heated debates with friends or family over the presidential election lately? I’ve noticed that it’s hard for a lot of people to separate their feelings about issues from their feelings about other people. It takes a great deal of maturity to agree to disagree and still love them. Remember that the next time you argue with someone important to you.

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: A reputation is your photograph; character is your face. Bobby Bowden

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Have you lost friends because of differing opinions about issues?

Have a great week!


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