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  • Writer's pictureTom Dheere

Voiceovers And Networking Events – The Not Silent Blog 12/6/16

It’s that time of year again!


It’s the most fabulous networking event of the year:


Here is me and some dear voiceover friends at Hurley’s Saloon in New York City this past weekend.

This was the ninth year of the event and I’ve had the privilege of attending all of them. As always it was a wonderful time.


I’ve been to more networking events than I care to remember. Some are great, some are eye-gougingly boring & unfruitful, and most are somewhere in between. What’s nice about the VO Holiday Extravaganza is that it’s created by voice talents for voice talents. That means that (obviously) the vast majority of attendees are voice talents.

Even though there aren’t many producers or agents there, it’s always a highly productive networking event for me. So why do I consider it a networking event at all?

The key to success in the voiceover industry, like almost every other industry, is developing and maintaining meaningful relationships. Most people don’t realize the relationship with their colleagues are more important than “connecting” with any manager, agent, CEO, or any other big shot. You will learn more about the trends in the industry, challenges both cultural & technical, and stay top-of-mind when your clients or their clients need a different voice for a project. And of course you get to spend time with an amazing, talented, caring group of people. You’re a part of a wonderful community that you can both benefit from and contribute to.


Who wants to win a free audio book version of “The Five Thieves of Happiness“? The first three people who email me, that’s who!

The Edge Studio “Business and Money 201” webinar “Setting Goals for 2017” is this week! Thursday December 8th @8PM EST. We’re going to talk about how to set you up for success in the New Year. Click here to sign up!


Happy Cookie Day and International Ninja Day! Next you’re confronted by a ninja, give him a cookie. It may help…



From my village to yours; this is Tom Dheere, GKN News…

Tom Dheere is a 20-year veteran of the voice over industry who has narrated thousands of projects for clients in over a dozen countries. He is also a coach at Edge Studio, voiceover business consultant known as the Voice Over Strategist, and is currently writing & producing the comic book “Agent 1.22”.


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