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The GKN Weekly Update – 04/18/11

Writer's picture: Tom DheereTom Dheere

Happy Passover! Well, in a few hours anyway. Tonight I’m hosting a Passover/Easter dinner. Peeps and matzoh, yum! What should we call it? Passter? Eassover?

This week’s GKN is a bunch of little nuggets so here we go:

Contests! I entered two and I encourage you to do the same. The first is the Neil Gaiman “American Gods” audio book contest. Read the details here. I’d really appreciate it if you’d vote for me. My profile is here. Please post a comment, too to hopefully attract some attention since there are almost 1000 entrants. Actually, voting seems to be a bit of a pain. My profile name is Rognog (shocker!) but the search doesn’t seems to work, at least not on my browser. As of right now I’m somewhere on Page 37 so I think you just have to click your way there. Many thanks!

The other contest is to win a new microphone, courtesy of Lauten Audio. You can check it out here. Break a leg!

Today I joined Radio Jox, a social networking group for folks in the radio industry. You don’t to be a DJ to join.

I also joined Freelancer, one of many online freelance sites. It seems to be similar to Eland, ODesk, Guru, etc. so I’ll let you know if it’s any good.

TIP OF THE WEEK: Terry Daniel posted a great voiceover tip that I am proud to steal: “Be careful when a client tells you that if you do their first project for a low rate, there will be a lot more work for you in the future. Sometimes this is true but 8 out of 10 times, they have no plans of working with you again and are just trying to get the lowest rate out of you.”

I have experienced this myself and it is all too true. Here’s my advice (also stolen): the next time a potential client tries to lowball you with promises of future work, say “How about I charge you full price this time, and then next time I’ll give you a discount?” See how they react!

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: Trust remains the coin of the realm. David Gergen

STUFF!: Fellow GKN member Angelo Panetta strongly recommends the book “22 Immutable Laws of Marketing” by Al Ries and Jack Trout. I checked it out and it’s great stuff!

From Tom Dheere’s brisket-filled apartment, this is Tom Dheere, GKN News.


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