Good morning, my wonderful cadre of well-wishers! Thank you for the HUGE pile of birthday wishes I got last week, and special thanks to my friends who came out last Saturday night to celebrate. We had a lot of fun!
For those of you who know me personally, I am not mechanically inclined nor am I a “technophile” nor a coveter of grownup toys (iPads, iPods, Bluetooth, etc.) BTW can you say “nor” twice in the same sentence? Is there such thing as a triple negative?
Anyway, in anticipation of traveling to Charlotte for FaffCon 5 next month and to make sure I don’t get hosed like when I went to VOICE 2012, I ventured to put together a mobile recording system. Fellow Faffer, VOICEer, Accountabilibuddy, and groovy purple chick Trish Basanyi suggested I get a MicPort Pro. Basically, it’s an adapter you plug your microphone into so you can record/edit on your laptop or iPad.

It’s about the size of a cigar. You plug the XLR cable in on one end and the USB cable on the other. It also has a port for headphones. See the volume controls? It also has what’s called a pre-amplifier or “preamp” which boosts the power of the mic (it’s on the inside).
It came in the mail last week so I conducted Experiment #1: can my ancient laptop handle it?
The laptop recognized the hardware immediately and since I normally record on my desktop I needed new recording software. I downloaded the free and easy-to-use Audacity. Also no problem.
So I hooked it all up and put the whole thing in my “recording closet”. That’s when I noticed how freaking LOUD the fan in my laptop is. No problem. the cables are pretty long so I put the laptop outside the closet. I recorded a recent short script and you know what? It sounded GREAT. I couldn’t believe it! Of course that was in a acoustically treated space.
So yesterday morning I’m getting ready to head out to a recording session when I get a script from a client that they need done ASAP. Not only am I gonna be gone for a few hours, the roof of my apartment building is being replaced. Needless to say, that’s a bit noisy. What a better time to conduct Experiment #2: MOBILE recording!
So I drive to the studio and have the session. Then I mention that I gotta record a script on the fly. They offer to let me record it there. I reply, “Nah, I’ll just do it in my car.” Quizzical looks quickly followed…
I sat in the back seat, put the laptop in the front passenger seat, and held the desktop mic stand on my lap while I held the script in the air. I recorded & edited it using Audacity and sent it to the client. The client said it sounded great! Another victory!!!
TIP OF THE WEEK: Believe it or not, a car is a great place to record! It’s sealed to minimize outside noise and it’s naturally padded. If Beau Weaver can do it, then so can I!
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
STUFF!: My next Edge Studio “Business and Money 201” class is TONIGHT! The topic: Keeping Clients Coming Back. Click here for more info. I hope you can join us!
From Tom Dheere’s apartment, this is Tom Dheere: GKN News…